Discovering the identification of a comment in JavaScript

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

<a onclick="lel($(this),'212345555')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'241214370')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'248916550')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'253234444')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'248914570')" class="button">

I am trying to execute all instances of lel($(this),'id') in JavaScript at once, but I am unsure how to retrieve the id for each button.

Answer №1

If you have the skill to modify server-side code in order to achieve the following:

<a id="212345555" class="button">
<a id="241214370" class="button">
<a id="248916550" class="button">
<a id="253234444" class="button">
<a id="248914570" class="button">

and also utilize jQuery like this


Answer №2

When presented with the following HTML

<a onclick="lel($(this),'212345555')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'241214370')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'248916550')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'253234444')" class="button">
<a onclick="lel($(this),'248914570')" class="button">

You have the option to extract and execute operations on these identifiers using regular expressions, with the help of the JavaScript code below

function gatherAndExecute() {
    // Loop through each 'a.button' element that has an onclick attribute defined
    $('a.button[onclick]').each(function(i, e) {
        // Retrieve the value of the onclick attribute
        var rawId = e.attributes['onclick'].value;
        // Parse the identifier from the attribute
        var id = rawId.match(/lel\(\$\(this\),'(\d+)'\)/)[1];
        // Call the lel function
        lel($(e), id);

You can also refer to this working example in a demo:

If possible, consider adding an id attribute to these elements while generating the HTML from your server to avoid the need for parsing identifiers.

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