Guidelines for Implementing Stylesheets from a Referenced Node Module

I am currently developing a VS Code module that incorporates highlight.js to produce HTML for syntax highlighting of source code. Within the highlight.js npm package, there is a directory named styles containing various CSS files that I intend to utilize.

Is there a specific procedure I should follow in order to retrieve these CSS files during run-time?

I am referring to all of them.

It seems likely that utilizing something like require will be necessary to ensure they are packaged even without individual references to each CSS file. However, I require assistance on how to achieve this.

Furthermore, how does one access these packaged resources?

Answer №1

Automatically, the bundling process takes care of everything for you without any manual intervention required. During deployment, your project's node_modules folder is included along with the extension.

To access the resources within these modules, it's crucial to know their location. These modules are deployed to a node_modules folder that can be found directly on the extension path.

Now, how do you determine the extension folder's location during runtime? While there is a method described in this VSCode extensions location variable, it's not recommended. Here's a better approach:

let x = vscode.extensions.getExtension("dilcorp.groovyext");
if (!x) {
  throw new Error("Cannot resolve extension. Has the name changed? " +
                  "It is defined by the publisher and the extension name " + 
                  "which are defined in package.json`); 
let stylePath = `${x.extensionPath}/node_modules/highlight.js/styles`;

The above code has two key parts. Firstly, we extract runtime information about the extension, including its absolute file path stored as a property called extensionPath.

The second part leverages the fact that our extension project's node_modules directory is copied into the extensionPath folder.

This approach works effectively when running through the debugger.

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