Guide: Writing code that caters to different types of media in React using Material-UI

After reviewing the documentation, I believed that the optimal solution in later versions of material-ui was to use useMediaQuery, but unfortunately, I am unable to implement it correctly. My objective is to hide a menu when the page is being printed, so I attempted something along the lines of:

if (!useMediaQuery("print")) {
  ... code to be hidden

Although this compiles and executes without errors, it doesn't achieve the desired result. It appears that the component is not rendered when the browser enters print preview mode (FF 65).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Currently, the useMediaQuery feature is experiencing instability. For more information, refer to this documentation

⚠️ The useMediaQuery functionality is considered unstable due to the ongoing development of hooks. It is exported with an unstable prefix and requires react@next and react-dom@next.

An alternative approach that I have discovered is:

const styles  = {
        '@media print' : {
            display: 'none'
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { classes } = this.props;
        return (
            <div className={classes.myClass}>
                Do not display on print
export default withStyles(styles)(MyComponent);

Answer №2

It is my belief that useMediaQuery functions as intended (i.e. no issue with useMediaQuery), however, it relies on window.matchMedia and Firefox seems to have trouble utilizing this for print variances.

Here's a relevant query: window.matchMedia('print') failing in Firefox and IE

This basic example performs as anticipated in Chrome but encounters issues in Firefox 65.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { unstable_useMediaQuery as useMediaQuery } from "@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery";
import "./styles.css";

function App() {
  const matchesPrint = useMediaQuery("print");
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
      {matchesPrint && <h2>This should only show for printing.</h2>}

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Therefore, for Firefox, an approach similar to oisti's may be necessary.

Answer №3

When using mUI v5, I have created a styled component to define the non-printable area:

import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';

const NotPrintable = styled('div')({
  '@media print': {
    display: 'none',

export const MyPage = () => (
      <SomeComponent />
      <PrintButton />

    // content that will be printed below

Answer №4

From my understanding, the best way to achieve this is by using styles:

Include the following code snippet:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
  .no-print {
    display: none;

Apply the "no-print" style to elements you wish to exclude from printing.

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