Guide to personalizing checkbox design using react-bootstrap

I am working with react-bootstrap and attempting to style a custom checkbox, as it appears possible but is not working. I have followed the documentation provided here.

Here is the code snippet:

import * as React from "react";
import { t as typy } from 'typy';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Form, FormCheck } from "react-bootstrap";
import { ErrorMessage } from "formik";

export type Props = {
  isChecked: Boolean,
  changeHandler: Function

export const Checkbox = ({
}: Props) => {

  return (
  {['checkbox', 'radio'].map((type) => (
    <div key={`custom-${type}`} className="mb-3">
        label={`Check this custom ${type}`}

        label={`disabled ${type}`}

export default Checkbox;

This is my css to check if the style applies:

#custom-checkbox {
   background-color: red;
   width: 10rem;

Answer №1

Apply custom styling to the custom checkbox in react-bootstrap by utilizing the .custom-control-input and .custom-control-label classes.

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