Guide to dynamically adding two CSS files in a single component in Angular 8

Within this component, there is a form that needs to support two languages, each with its own unique CSS style - one for left-to-right (ltr) direction, and the other for right-to-left (rtl) direction.

Is there a way to conditionally apply two different CSS files to this component?

Additionally, this component includes a dialog display.

  ngAfterViewInit() {; 

Users should be able to select their preferred language (English or Arabic), which will then determine which CSS file is applied - style1.css for English and style2.css for Arabic.

The technology stack being used is Angular 8, along with Angular material and NG-ZORRO.

Answer №1

Have you considered incorporating classes directly into the body tag?

By modifying the language attribute to include classes like ".rtl" or ".ltr" on the body tag, you can then apply specific styles to each alignment using those class names, similar to the example below.

.rtl p {
  text-align: right;
.ltr p {
  text-align: left;

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