What is causing the container to overlap with my sidebar-like <nav>?

Why is the fluid-container overlapping in this way, while others are not?
Does this look correct to you, or am I overlooking something? It seems incorrect to me.

<nav class="nav flex-column float-left">

<div class="container-fluid"><!-- overlapping -->
  <div class="row"><!-- fine -->
    <div class="col"><!-- fine -->
      <main role="main"><!-- fine -->


Edit: Just for your information: My goal is to have a static left sidebar/nav with a fixed width (refer to the image). All content on the right side is considered main content. Hence, I chose not to use col-1 (for nav) and col-11 (for main). I hope this clarifies things :-)

Answer №1

To make your sidenav more structured, ensure it has a fixed width and apply a padding-left equal to the sidebar width.

For reference, check out this example: https://jsfiddle.net/w3LwwxL7/3/

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