Guide to applying a specific color percentage in CSS?

I'm working with some GUI guidelines that specify the following colors:

text-color: #000 87%
background-color of the container: #000 20%

Can anyone advise on how to implement these requirements in CSS?

I already checked out this post:

Unfortunately, it didn't provide the help I needed.

Appreciate any assistance in advance!

Answer №1

To achieve transparency, consider using RBGA properties by referring to this link:

For a text color of #000 at 87% opacity:

The code would look like this:

color: RGBA(0,0,0,.87)

This assumes the request is for an opacity percentage.

If the request is actually for a tint instead, things get more complicated. Creating a tint with black isn't too difficult (resulting in varying shades of gray), but doing so with colors is nearly impossible without specific RGB or Hex values based on the color model being used. Therefore, if a completely opaque tint is requested, it's essential to ask for precise color values from the person providing the specifications.

Answer №2

To begin, start by converting the hex code to RGB using the convenient tool provided below...

hex to rgb converter

Then, simply incorporate this code into your CSS color: rgba(r,g,b, transparency value);

For instance, if you want black color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 87);

Answer №3

Remember to utilize the complete color code. For instance: background-color: #ff000033

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