Guide on how to pre-load custom fonts using webpack and rails 6

How can I efficiently preload a custom font in my Rails 6 application using webpack?

Here is the font setup in config/_fonts.scss :

@font-face {
  font-family: 'customfont';
  src: font-url('customfont.eot?81236734');
  src: font-url('customfont.eot?81236734#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
       font-url('customfont.woff2?81236734') format('woff2'),
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-display: swap;

To include the font, I import it in my application scss :

@import "config/index";

Now, I'm looking for the best practice to preload this font. What would be the most effective way to achieve this?

Answer №1

It seems like a link tag needs to be added in the head of the view according to this informative article:

To ensure the correct file is targeted, make use of the asset_pack_url helper for the href.

Additionally, remember that the asset_path_url should indicate the folder where your compiled asset is located without including "public/packs".

You may need to utilize something like

<%= asset_pack_url 'media/fonts/my-font.woff' %>
or a similar approach.

(Assuming you are utilizing Webpack for images/css and fonts. If the asset pipeline is being used, stick to the usual helpers)

Answer №2

I recently faced the same question and came up with a solution for Rails 6 using webpack. From my understanding, webpack generates a `manifest.json` file that can be located in the public directory of your application (configured in `webpacker.yml`).

Upon opening the manifest.json file, you will find references to fonts. In my manifest, it looked something like this:

"media/images/some-font.woff2": "/packs/media/images/4d419d560889218c146f.woff2"

Now that you are aware of the pack path, it becomes simple to create preloading in the head section (example in haml):

= preload_link_tag(asset_pack_path('media/images/some-font.woff2'))  

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