Google Chrome - flexbox - container element

Please check out this code snippet in Chrome: codepen example


<div class='flexbox'>
  <div class='static'>ddd
  <div class='flex'>
    <div class='flex-child'>
      <div class='container'>
        *** lengthy text goes here *** ...</div>
    <div class='flex-child'>hhh
    <div class='flex-child'>hhh
  <div class='static'>ddd



  display: flex;

  position : relative;

  position : relative;


  position : relative;

The example provided should be relatively easy to understand. The main issue is: How can the .container div be adjusted to accommodate any type of content without overlapping the footer.

Attempt to remove the background colors. The text in .container might visually intersect with the .static footer. How can this layout be organized so that the .content div and its content do not overlap the footer?


The footer needs to stay at the bottom of the screen. No fixed sizes or dimensions should be specified in the CSS.

Please treat my question as a test, an experiment. I am striving for a flexible layout without explicitly setting sizes or dimensions, for instance, header height 50px. I desire the layout to be as generic as possible. Therefore, if you delete all the text from the .container in my original codepen and examine the .container height using developer tools, it will probably be 0, but ideally, it should match the height of its parent .flex-child. It may not comply with the standard practice, but how can this be achieved?

Edit 2: I have elaborated on my issue in another query alongside codepen and an image. Thank you for your input.

Thank you

Answer №1

Your specific requirements regarding the placement of the footer are somewhat unclear.

Solution 1.

The footer should be fixed at the bottom of the viewport, ensuring that the entire page fits within the viewport.

In this scenario, the content of the main element can vary in size, with a scrollbar appearing when the content exceeds the height of the element.

Check out the Codepen demo for Option 1

Solution 2.

The footer should be placed at the bottom of the page/document, which can have a variable height (but must meet a minimum height requirement equivalent to the viewport).

In this case, the content of the main element can expand freely, causing the page/document to adjust accordingly.

Take a look at the Codepen demo for Option 2

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