Javascript - Button animation malfunctioning after first click

One issue I'm facing is with an animation that is triggered using the onmousedown event. Another function is supposed to stop the animation when onmouseup is detected.

The problem arises after the first time it works correctly. Subsequent attempts to use the buttons fail to trigger any movement. It just seems to get stuck.

Below is my HTML code (index.htm):

<head><link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'></head>
    <img id='player' src='img/player.png' style='height:64px;'></img>
    <div class='buttons'>
        <button id='moveleft' onmousedown="OnButtonDownl (this)" onmouseup="OnButtonUpl (this)"><--</button>
        <button id='moveright' onmousedown="OnButtonDownr (this)" onmouseup="OnButtonUpr (this)">--></button>

<script type='text/javascript' src='move.js'></script>

This is my javascript code (move.js):

var elem = document.getElementById("player");
function OnButtonDownl (button) {
var posl = document.getElementById("player").style.left;
window.idl = setInterval(framel, 5);
function framel() {
    posl--; = posl + 'px';
function OnButtonUpl (button) {

var elem = document.getElementById("player");
function OnButtonDownr (button) {
var posr = document.getElementById("player").style.left;
window.idr = setInterval(framer, 5);
function framer() {
    posr++; = posr + 'px';
function OnButtonUpr (button) {

Just for reference, here is my css (style.css):

body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
#player {
  position: absolute;
.buttons {

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

You are encountering two specific issues.

  1. Initially, when you retrieve the values for posl and posr, it results in an empty string which is coerced to 0 by JavaScript.
  2. Subsequently, the use of -- and ++ operations fails after adding px to the values of posl and posr, turning them into strings.

The expression posl-- (or posr++) can increment the coerced value of

0</code successfully. This explains why it works on the first iteration. However, upon the next <code>mousedown
now holds a string like "-1px" which does not coerce to
0</code. To remedy this, you can utilize <code>parseInt()
when storing the values of posl and posr, with a fallback value of 0 provided, as parseInt("") returns NaN.

To address this issue properly, consider making similar adjustments when handling the value of posr:

var posl = parseInt( document.getElementById("player").style.left, 10 ) || 0;

var elem = document.getElementById("player");

function OnButtonDownl(button) {
  //var posl = document.getElementById("player").style.left;
  var posl = parseInt(document.getElementById("player").style.left, 10) || 0;
  window.idl = setInterval(framel, 5);

  function framel() {
    posl--; = posl + 'px';

function OnButtonUpl(button) {

var elem = document.getElementById("player");

function OnButtonDownr(button) {
  //var posr = document.getElementById("player").style.left;
  var posr = parseInt(document.getElementById("player").style.left, 10) || 0;
  window.idr = setInterval(framer, 5);

  function framer() {
    posr++; = posr + 'px';

function OnButtonUpr(button) {
body {
  width: 100vw;// changed for example only
  height: 100vh;// changed for example only
  position: relative;
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
#player {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
.buttons {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
<img id='player' src='//' />
<div class='buttons'>
  <button id='moveleft' onmousedown="OnButtonDownl (this)" onmouseup="OnButtonUpl (this)">Left</button>
  <button id='moveright' onmousedown="OnButtonDownr (this)" onmouseup="OnButtonUpr (this)">Right</button>

Answer №2

I revised your code and it is now functioning properly (at least for me).

function Move(elem){

    var posr = parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.getElementById("player")).left);

    this.handleEvent = function(event) {
      switch (event.type) {
        case 'mousedown':
            this.interval = setInterval(function() {
                if ( == 'moveright') {
                } else if ( == 'moveleft'){
                document.getElementById("player").style.left = posr + 'px';

        case 'mouseup':
  elem.addEventListener('mousedown', this,  false);
  elem.addEventListener('mouseup', this,  false);


var button_right = document.getElementById("moveright");
var button_left = document.getElementById("moveleft");


Additionally, in the HTML you can remove JavaScript event listeners (only the IDs are necessary).

Answer №3

It's considered good practice to ensure that your script tag is placed within your html tags:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='move.js'></script>

Once you've done that, try out this solution:


<head><link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'></head>
    <img id='player' src='' style='height:64px;'></img>
    <div class='buttons'>
        <button id='moveleft' onmousedown="OnButtonDown('left')" onmouseup="OnButtonUp()"><--</button>
        <button id='moveright' onmousedown="OnButtonDown('right')" onmouseup="OnButtonUp()">--></button>

<script type='text/javascript' src='move.js'></script>

And here's the corresponding JavaScript code:

var nIntervId;
var b;
var elem = document.getElementById("player");

var posl = document.getElementById("player").style.left;

function OnButtonDown(button) {
b = button;
nIntervId = setInterval(frame, 5);

function frame() {
    posl--; = posl + 'px';}
    posl++; = posl + 'px';

function OnButtonUp() {

Visit this link for a live demo of the code.

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