GitHub Pages images not loading properly

I am currently sharing some basic webpages (HTML, CSS, and a bit of JS) from my GitHub repository. However, I have encountered an interesting issue when viewing the index.html page in Chrome (55.0.2883.95, 64 bit) by clicking on the URL provided in the repository. Once I start scrolling down, the main image disappears unexpectedly.

If you click on the "Fees" link at the top and scroll up and down the page, you will notice that the featured image also disappears in a similar manner.

In November 2016, when I first published this repository/page, all images were displaying correctly. Recently, I changed the domain name linked to the repo, but typically this change shouldn't affect the display. Interestingly, when I download and open the repo locally in Chrome, everything works perfectly fine.

Furthermore, this website is built using CSS Grid, and I have ensured that the appropriate settings are enabled in Chrome. I am struggling to comprehend why the images suddenly stop displaying correctly specifically on GitHub Pages!

EDIT: My apologies if my explanation was unclear. To reiterate, initially, everything loads and displays properly in the browser. The problem arises when simply scrolling down the page. This code previously worked flawlessly on GitHub Pages. However, revisiting it two months later, the same code fails to function as expected. The image paths are correct, and there doesn't seem to be any issues with JavaScript. When I download and run the same code on localhost, it displays perfectly.

Answer №1

Upon discovering this discussion, it became apparent that one of my browser add-ons was causing the webpage to vanish while scrolling. Specifically, once I disabled the Screen Capture by Google extension, the issue disappeared.

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