Getting rid of unnecessary compiled CSS files in Compass

After making changes to files and running compass compile, the compiled files remain even if they are renamed or deleted. Similarly, compass clean does not remove these old files as it only focuses on cleaning up current files in use. I want to avoid completely wiping out all files in my compiled folder with a command like rm -rf /css/*.

I am looking for a way to selectively delete these outdated compiled files without affecting any currently utilized files.

The reason behind this request is that generating files or sprites from numerous scss files can be time-consuming. This becomes problematic when further modifications or derivations need to be made to these generated files for an older build process or documentation generation. Completely regenerating all files by blowing them away can be inefficient, whereas only removing unnecessary files before recompiling would be much quicker.

We have considered manually deleting unnecessary files and then recompiling using the following steps:

compass clean 
rm -rf css/* 
compass compile

However, we are hopeful for a more efficient solution :).

Answer №1

If you want to automatically remove old CSS files and generate new ones using a shell script, you can use the following code snippet:

compass clean
compass compile

Keep in mind that this script should be placed in the same directory as your project for it to function correctly. With some modifications, it can possibly be adapted to work from any location without needing to be copied into each project separately.

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