Getting rid of all CSS properties currently set for the Mobile view

Utilizing third-party library components in my project. The library includes components that come with predefined styles for mobile devices.

I am seeking to completely UPDATE these properties within my own code. When I say "update," I mean removing all the properties specified for

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px)

Is there a way to remove all of these properties simultaneously?

Answer №1

If you're looking for a reliable text editor, consider using Visual Studio Code. You can download it from:

  1. Open your HTML file using Visual Studio Code,
  2. Press Ctrl+F to search for specific elements within the code,
  3. Choose between searching in the current document or all open documents,
  4. Navigate to the Replace feature located next to the search bar,
  5. Replace any instances of text that need to be changed within the code.

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