Is Flex still wrapping elements even when set to nowrap?

My goal is to create a layout with 4 blocks, where the first section contains 2 blocks each occupying 50% of the width, followed by 2 other blocks in the next section.

I am utilizing the flex property for this layout. I want the flex-container to take up 100% width and height, and when set on no-wrap, the space should be divided equally among the blocks. Below is my HTML markup and CSS code:

However, the blocks are still wrapping and not occupying as intended.

body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
#container {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  -webkit-flex-wrap: nowrap;
  -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
  flex-wrap: nowrap;
.col {} 
.red {
  height: 50%;
  width: 50%;
  background-color: red;
.blue {
  height: 50%;
  width: 50%;
  background-color: cadetblue;
.aqua {
  height: 50%;
  width: 50%;
  background-color: aqua;
.yellow {
  height: 50%;
  width: 50%;
  background-color: yellow;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <div id="container">

    <div class="red"></div>
    <div class="blue"></div>

    <div class="aqua"></div>
    <div class="yellow"></div>



Here's an image showing the desired flex box model: Click here for reference

Answer №1

To ensure proper formatting, you should opt for wrap over nowrap, and utilize flex: 0 0 50% in lieu of width: 50%.

The flex: 0 0 50% attribute breakdown is as follows:

  • flex-grow: 0: confines the div from surpassing its initial size
  • flex-shrink: 0: restrains the div from shrinking beyond its basis
  • flex-basis: 50%: sets the basic box size to 50% relative to its flex parent
body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
#container {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
  -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.col {} 
.red {
  height: 50%;
  max-width: 50%;
  flex: 0 0 50%;
  background-color: red;
.blue {
  height: 50%;
  max-width: 50%;
  flex: 0 0 50%;
  background-color: cadetblue;
.aqua {
  height: 50%;
  max-width: 50%;
  flex: 0 0 50%;
  background-color: aqua;
yellow {
  height: 50%;
  max-width: 50%;
  flex: 0 0 50%;
  background-color: yellow;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <div id="container">

    <div class="red"></div>
    <div class="blue"></div>

    <div class="aqua"></div>
    <div class="yellow"></div>



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