GAE does not have access to background images

Having trouble loading background pictures in my GAE front-end app.

"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)".

My app is a simple website, no GAE backend. Using Eclipse with Google AppEngine Plugin.

Background pictures change every 10 seconds using JQuery.

Oddly, out of 16 background pictures, the 3rd and 11th always load, rest never do. (And yes, names are correct)

If there's an error accessing pictures, shouldn't they all fail?

Something missing? Googled but no luck, works fine locally.

Icons and headers load perfectly, issue only with big backgrounds. No browser difference.

Tried (without success):

  • Increased stack size to see if deployment caused issues.
  • No app.yaml file, tried adding with image folder location specified.
  • Moved backgrounds from "images/background" to just "images".
  • Tested with simple color backgrounds - worked, then failed except for 3rd and 11th without code changes.

Any ideas why it works locally but not on GAE? Differences in environment somewhere..?

Snippet of code:

var photos = [ {
"image" : "p1.jpg",}, {
"image" : "p2.jpg",}, {
"image" : "p3.jpg",}, { 
// pictures 4-10
    "image" : "p11.jpg",}, { 
// pictures 12-15
    "image" : "p16.jpg",

// Set the background image of the new active container
$("#backgroundimg" + activeContainer).css({
    "background-image" : "url(images/" + photoObject.image + ")",
    "display" : "block",
    "z-index" : currentZindex

// Fade out the current container
// and display the header text when animation is complete
$("#backgroundimg" + currentContainer).fadeOut(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        animating = false;
    }, 1000);

Answer №1

Consider utilizing absolute image references instead of relative ones. When referencing images relatively, it is from the current directory:

url(images/" + photoObject.image + ")"

For absolute reference, use the document root to ensure it works regardless of the current directory. It seems like Google App Engine may be dynamically altering the directories based on other code.

url(/images/" + photoObject.image + ")"

I'm also interested in the structure of the photos object. To make it more manageable, you could consider:

var photos = ["p1.jpg", "p2.jpg", "p3.jpg", "p11.jpg", "p16.jpg"];

Best of luck!

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