The div is lacking in height

I have 3 divs that belong to the stackContainer class:

.stackContainer {
    position: relative;

Within these divs, I want multiple elements stacked on top of each other. To achieve this, I use the following code:

.stackItem {
    position: absolute;

The only issue is that the 3 stackContainers should not be stacked on top of each other. It seems like a minor CSS adjustment is needed.

Answer №2

When all items within the stackContainer divs are positioned absolutely, it causes the divs to not have a defined height because elements with position: absolute are removed from the normal text flow.

To solve this issue, it is recommended to determine the largest content within each div and explicitly set the height properties of the stackContainers to those values.

Alternatively, you can add at least one child element to each stackContainer that is not positioned absolutely.

Answer №3

Specify both the width and height of the stackContainer:

.stackContainer {
    position: absolute;
    width: 128px;
    height: 128px;

Answer №4

To adjust the height of the .stackContainer element, you can specify the desired height in the CSS code.

.stackContainer {

.stackItem {

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