Fully compatible with Internet Explorer 6, with a height of

Is there a way to create a div that is always 100% the height of the browser, even if it's empty, and works in IE6? Any suggestions or hacks using CSS?

Answer №1

It's important for older browsers like IE6 to have proper support. To make sure your DIV's height is properly referenced, consider this:

  height: 100%; /* This may not work if the value is unknown */

Ensure that the DIV's parent elements have a defined height. One approach could be similar to the following:

#my_div, #parent_of_div, body, html
  height: 100%; /* While effective, note that scrollbars may appear if body or html elements have padding or margins. */

If you're still facing issues, it might be worth exploring other solutions...

Answer №2

When a div only contains other div children, the parent's height is automatically set to 0. This holds true even if the parent has a combination of different HTML tags within it. To accurately determine the parent's height in this scenario, JavaScript must be utilized to calculate the total height of all child elements within the div and then apply that height value to the parent element.

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