What is the best way to keep the menu bar in place as you scroll?

Can someone help me figure out how to keep the menu bar fixed at the top of the page when the user scrolls down? I've tried various methods but haven't had any luck. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the CSS code:

And here is the HTML code:

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

To ensure a div's position remains fixed on the screen regardless of scrolling, apply the position: fixed CSS property. This will make the element move in relation to the viewport instead of the page's content.

Answer №2

Did you notice a typo in the #navigation position of your stylesheet? This could potentially be causing the issue.

Answer №3

If you have a good grasp of how the position attribute functions in CSS, this task will be a breeze for you.

Allow me to demonstrate with an example that illustrates how position:fixed can be used to keep the menu bar fixed at the top of the page.

Check out this demo on CodePen

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