@font-face only activated for domain names without "www." in the address. It will display properly when only the domain name

One of my clients has a website running on Wordpress, and I've noticed a peculiar issue with the @font-face rendering in Firefox 4 on my computer. When I access the site without including the "www." in the address, the @font-face displays correctly. But as soon as I visit the full URL with the "www.", the @font-face stops working.

I'm at a loss here. Any ideas on what could be causing this?

Answer №1

It seems that you have encountered the Firefox default font policy.

By default, Firefox restricts cross-domain fonts, even with sub-domains. Check out the following resources for useful guidance on this issue:

@font-face fonts only work on their own domain

How to add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

Answer №2

To work around the restriction of the same-origin font policy, you can opt for using relative links like (../fonts/font-name.ttf) or absolute links like (/fonts/font-name.ttf) for your font files instead of including the entire domain name in the @font-face src path (


Even with flexible file paths in your stylesheets, if the CSS is served from a different domain (or sub-domain) than the one it is requested from, you will still face the same origin policy.

WordPress theme URLs are constructed using the full domain name in the path, which can be a major part of the issue.

For instance, if you are on the page:


and the fonts are delivered through CSS from:


You will encounter the same origin policy because the fonts listed in the CSS are sourced from a different domain. Remember, technically sub-domains like "www" are considered separate domains.

A solution to this problem is to set up Apache to redirect all incoming URLs to the domain that matches your WordPress Site Address.

example.com -> www.example.com (or vice versa)

By doing this, all images, stylesheets, and fonts will be served from the same domain, avoiding your issue(s).

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