Font Awesome icons displayed using the <i class="icon-ok"></i> markup are not styled correctly and do not respond to events in Chrome

I implemented Font-Awesome, an iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.

Here is the markup:

<i class="icon-remove reset-preference-button"></i>

And here is the CSS:

.reset-preference-button {
cursor: pointer;

For JavaScript functionality:

$(".reset-preference-button").on("click", function() {
// ... do something

However, when I view the page, the cursor does not change to a pointer upon hovering over the element. Clicking on the icon also has no effect, even though I have confirmed that the icon exists before binding the event.

It seems that setting the style of the element explicitly to "display: inline-block;" resolves this issue. This behavior is specific to Chrome, as it functions properly in Firefox and IE. I am encountering this problem on Chrome version 18, though it may affect other versions as well.

I have already reported this bug at

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is the lack of content in the <i> element - font awesome utilizes the css pseudo element :before to display the icon using css.

To resolve this, you can specify a height and width of 1em and change the display to: block

i {
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;
  cursor: pointer;

Answer №2

A more streamlined method involves adding the styles directly to the :before element, eliminating the need to consider the object's dimensions.

Below is a snippet of CSS code as an example:

i:before {
  cursor: pointer;

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