Flask local web server experiencing issues with responsive items functionality

I am currently developing a Flask web application that incorporates some responsive design elements.

For instance, the navigation bar is hidden on smaller screens and replaced with an icon that opens a sidebar. Additionally, the elements in the second section () utilize the w3-half class, which means when the screen width is less than 601px, it will use 100% of the width.

While all these elements function correctly when I open the HTML page in a browser, they do not work when utilizing the local web server provided by Flask.

<!DOCTYPE html>

In this excerpt, I have mentioned the parts of the index.html file that are not functioning as intended within the Flask template using render_template().

I apologize for any errors you may find, as I am not an expert in web development; this project is part of a learning process...

If additional code segments are required to diagnose the issue, please let me know!


Attached are two images illustrating the problem: one showing the HTML page viewed in a browser, and the other displaying it through the local web server. https://i.sstatic.net/3QmDv.png https://i.sstatic.net/nxo7t.png

Answer №1

    <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Include the meta tag within the head section of your webpage just like shown in the example above.

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