Reset all divs to their default state except for the one that is currently active using jQuery

Here's the plan for my script:

Once a user clicks on a "learn more" button, it will reveal the relevant information in the corresponding box.

I'm aiming to implement a feature where if you click on another "learn more" button while one box is already open, the first box automatically closes. This way, only one box can be open at a time on the page.


 var service = $(".service"), text = $(".service-text, h1.service-heading"), moretext = $(".more-text"); 

                $(this).parent().find(service).animate({ backgroundColor : "#000000" }, 800);
                $(this).animate({ backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, 800);
                $(this).parent().find(text).animate({ color: "#FFF"}, 800);
                $(this).parent().find("span.more").animate({ color : "#000000" }, 800, function () {
                    $(this).parent().parent().find(".service").animate({ height : "500px"}, 800, function () {
                            $(this).find(moretext).show().animate({ color: "#FFFFFF"}, 800);

                            $(this).parent().find("span.more").animate({ color : "#FFF"}, 800, function () {
                                                        $(this).parent().find("span.less").show( function () {
                                                                                                           $(this).animate({ color: "#000000"}, 800);
                $(this).parent().find(service).animate({ backgroundColor : "#FFFFFF" }, 800, function () {
                            $(moretext).animate({ color: "#FFFFFF"}, 800, function () {
                $(this).animate({ backgroundColor : "#000000" }, 800);
                $(this).parent().find(text).animate({ color: "#000000"}, 800);
                $(this).parent().find("span.less").animate({ color: "#FFFFFF"}, 800, function() {
                    $(this).parent().parent().find(service).animate({ height: "180px"}, 800, function () {
                                        $(this).parent().find("span.less").animate({ color: "#000000"}, 800, function () {
                                                            $(this).parent().find("span.more").show( function () {
                                                                                                           $(this).animate({ color: "#FFFFFF"}, 800);


Answer №1

One way to achieve this is by implementing the following code:

    $(".learn").not(this).doSomeThing(/* insert some code here */);

This code allows you to remove the current clicked item from the specified set.

Answer №2

Steps to improve toggle functionality:

  • Assign a unique class name to all relevant div elements
  • Move the "close" function to a separate block of code at the end of the toggle method, ensuring it does not affect divs with the class "active"
  • Create an event listener for clicking on "learn more" buttons that adds the class "active" to the clicked element, then executes the close function on all other divs before proceeding with its intended action

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