Flameflare/Console-inspired hover animation

Curious if there is a creative solution to this problem that I haven't thought of yet...

I'm working on a site editor tool and it would be incredibly useful to have the ability to highlight elements when hovering over their code in the html/elements tabs, similar to Firebug and Chrome console...

Using background effects won't work because they don't encompass the entire Div, and overlaying a div on top of all content without blocking mouseovers on underlying elements seems tricky...

Any bright ideas? Is there specific browser code that can achieve this effect?

Answer №1

Typically, Firefox extensions are primarily written in JavaScript. Because Firebug is licensed under BSD, you have the ability to access its source code on its dedicated website. Perhaps by examining the pertinent code, you can gain insights into how to tackle your unique problem.

Answer №2

If you want to enhance the visual appearance of an element without affecting its layout, consider using the CSS outline property on mouseover. Alternatively, a box-shadow could achieve a similar effect.

Interestingly, I've noticed that Firebug uses a dark bluish box-shadow to highlight elements as well.

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