Fixed Header Stays in Place as Main Content Scrolls Over

I've hit a roadblock with what seems like a straightforward issue. On a page, I have two divs:

<div id="header">...</div>
<div id="content">...<div>

The header needs to be fixed at the top of the page, while the main content section should scroll normally. I want the main content div to scroll over the header, covering it as it moves.

I've managed to achieve the desired look by fixing the header at the top, giving the main content a margin-top of the right size, and adjusting the z-index so that the main content scrolls over the header. However, the issue is that the margin-top of the main content div covers up all the links and hover elements of the header, making them visible but inactive.

I'm hoping for a simple solution to this problem. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd prefer to avoid using JavaScript for this. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

I encountered a similar issue and found a solution that worked for me. Check out this JSFiddle link.

<header><a href="/">Clickable header link</a></header>
<section>Content section</section>

header {

section {
    background: #579;

Instead of using margin-top, I used position relative and the top attribute. A key point is to ensure that the z-index value is greater than zero.

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