Adding a class to a child component layout from a parent component in Angular 12 and Typescript can be achieved by using the ViewChild decorator

Incorporating the child component into the parent component is an important step in the structure of my project. The dashboard component serves as the child element, while the preview component acts as the parent.

Within the parent (preview) component.html file, you will find:

<app-dashboard [selectedItems]="menus" [filteredItems]="newuniq"></app-dashboard>

By utilizing the @Input decorator, I am able to pass data from the parent component to the child component. However, I am facing the challenge of adding custom CSS to the layout of the child component. Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of your child component's elements (such as the h1 tag inside app-dashboard), you can experiment with using ::ng-deep in the stylesheet of the parent component. Although this method is considered outdated, it remains functional and is quite straightforward to implement.

    ::ng-deep app-dashboard {
    // define styles for elements within app-dashboard
      h1 {
        font-size: 36px;

If you prefer to style only the child component itself, you can simply use regular CSS within the parent component's stylesheet:

    app-dashboard {
    // specify styles for app-dashboard

A more appropriate approach to apply styles is by setting the view encapsulation to none, although this will make the component's styles global. Keep in mind that this may lead to external styles affecting your component's appearance. For further information, consult the documentation available at: View Encapsulation

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