Firefox is having issues when trying to print an iframe that is styled with display:none

Currently, I am implementing code obtained from an answer on Stack Overflow to enable direct printing of a separate page upon clicking a print button. The mechanism involves sending a URL to the print function which then loads the separate page into an iframe with a display:none attribute and prints it onLoad. While this method works seamlessly in Internet Explorer and Chrome, Firefox does not respond as intended. It appears that Firefox refuses to print an iframe that is set to display:none, as shown here:

<div id="printerDiv" style="display:none"></div>

Is this behavior expected? Despite trying various CSS techniques to conceal the div containing the iframe, it remains visible in some form. Currently, I am using the following CSS to render the iframe invisible:

#printerDiv iframe{
width:1px !important;
height:1px !important;
border:0 !important;
margin:0 !important;

However, even with these adjustments, there is still a noticeable 14px gap once the iframe is generated. Is there a way to completely hide the iframe without utilizing the display:none attribute? Ideally, is there a cleaner alternative to achieve this functionality?

I have also experimented with setting the iframe to display:block for @print media types and display:none for screen, but the JavaScript function fails to initiate the printing process.

Answer №1

When you set the position of your iFrame to absolute and move it off the page, it remains printable but invisible to the user.

#printerDiv iframe{
  position: absolute;
  top: -1000px;

Answer №2

Dealing with the same issue, I encountered a solution that worked well for me. In Firefox, when the display attribute is hidden, all height-related queries return 0 - whether it's through jQuery's .css('height') method, accessing the DOM element style directly, or using outerHeight() and outerWidth().

To overcome this, I implemented z-index in my CSS without needing to use position:absolute:

#printerDiv { z-index: -10; }

Then, to reveal the element, I simply adjust the z-index value using a jQuery css() function call.

Answer №3

If you have authority over the content within the iframe, command it to perform a self-print action:

<script type="text/javascript">

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