Activate animation when a user clicks on a link

Hey there, I'm a bit unsure about how to word this and I'm still getting the hang of StackExchange so I hope I've posted in the correct place.

Currently, I am developing a mobile HTML5 app that utilizes Phonegap/Cordova (as well as Bootstrap), and I would like to incorporate an animation whenever a user clicks on a link.

Basically, when a user clicks the link, I want the page transition to slide to the left and the linked page to appear.

Is it possible to achieve this using CSS/JS?

Answer №1

Welcome to the world of coding!

If you're looking to create an HTML5 mobile app, my top recommendation would be to utilize a front-end framework such as jQuery Mobile, Ionic, or Onsen UI.

For adding swipe transitions with jQuery Mobile, check out this helpful link:

I hope this information proves useful to you in your development journey!

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