Firefox failing to display input placeholder text properly when wrapped

I've been working on making my placeholder text wrap to the next line in an input field. While I found solutions that work in Chrome, I'm struggling to get it right in Firefox.

After researching on Stack Overflow, I came across this question:

Placeholder auto wrap inside a input field

The solution provided worked perfectly in Chrome but not in Firefox. I verified that my pseudo-element is functional because changing the color of the text had an effect. However, I need assistance specifically with the wrapping styles.

::-moz-placeholder {

(Unfortunately, this did not solve the issue in Firefox)

::-webkit-input-placeholder {

(This approach worked successfully in Chrome)

I am determined to find a way for the input placeholder to wrap down to the next line without being truncated.

Answer №1

It appears that Mozilla Firefox has eliminated the capability to wrap the placeholder text. The placeholder element is complex and not fully supported by browsers.

One potential solution is to eliminate placeholders altogether and explore alternative options. Check out this article from Smashing Magazine discussing the use of placeholders and their substitutes.

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