What are the best practices for implementing the CSS id selector?

As someone new to web development, I am facing an issue with my code where the CSS id selector is not functioning as expected:

li {
  border: 3px solid red;

h3 {
  background: green;

#special {
  color: green;
<h3>Todo List</h3>

  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="walkRusty"> Walk Rusty</li>
  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="buyGroceries">Buy Groceries</li>
  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="cssVideos" id="special">Finish CSS Videos</li>


Answer №1

Reposition the id=special element inside the li tag.

li {
  border: 3px solid red;

h3 {
  background: green;

#special {
  color: green;
<h3>Todo List</h3>

  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="walkRusty"> Walk Rusty</li>
  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="buyGroceries">Buy Groceries</li>
  <li id="special"> <input type="checkbox" name="cssVideos" >Finish CSS Videos</li>

Answer №2

Ensure that your li element containing an input (checkbox) has the correct text you want to style with a specific ID. The text 'Finish CSS Videos' should be within the li tag itself. Make sure to assign the appropriate ID to the respective li tag as shown below:

<li id="special"> <input type="checkbox" name="cssVideos" >Finish CSS Videos</li>

Answer №3

To change the color of text in the checkbox, apply the id to the li element instead of the input. Additionally, it is recommended to use labels for inputs rather than directly placing text in the li.

li {
  border: 3px solid red;

h3 {
  background: green;

#special {
  color: green;
<h3>Todo List</h3>

  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="walkRusty"> Walk Rusty</li>
  <li> <input type="checkbox" name="buyGroceries">Buy Groceries</li>
  <li id="special"> <input type="checkbox" name="cssVideos" id="special">Finish CSS Videos</li>

Answer №4

Make sure to apply the #special tag not just on the input tag, but also on the text itself. If you want to style the text "Finish CSS Videos", you need to enclose it in another tag.


Todo List

    <li> <input type="checkbox" name="walkRusty"> Walk Rusty</li>
    <li> <input type="checkbox" name="buyGroceries">Buy Groceries</li>
    <li> <input type="checkbox" name="cssVideos">
    <span id="special">Finish CSS Videos</span></li>


    border: 3px solid red;

    background: green;

    color: green;

fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/9kdsacwz

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