Finding the starting point coordinates of a background image that has been adjusted using CSS

I am attempting to determine the exact positioning of a background image that has been shifted off the viewport by applying specific CSS rules. This may be difficult to explain in words, so I have provided a visual example:

Black box: Viewport
Red box: Container with a background image applied
Blue box: Container containing a link

When using getBoundingClientRect on the container with the background image, I receive coordinates of 0px 0px. This is logical as the container is within the viewport, starting at the top left corner.

However, the background image within that container has been shifted to the left (or potentially also upwards), meaning the actual coordinates should differ from those of the container itself. This leads me to my question:

How can I determine the position of the green point on any page experiencing this particular scenario without altering anything? Essentially, I need to figure out how many pixels the browser cuts out of the background image's display.

Currently, I am utilizing JavaScript to interact with the Web/DOM API. I am open to exploring any methods, even undocumented ones, to address this issue.

Answer №1

If you're seeking a solution that is compatible with modern browsers, look no further.

let testNode = document.getElementById('test');
let testBackgroundPosition = getComputedStyle(testNode,null).backgroundPosition.replace(/px/g,'').split(' ');

Not all web browsers support this method, as evidenced by this page:

The question "Cross-browser (IE8-) getComputedStyle with Javascript?" remains unanswered, leaving no alternative solution at the moment.

Without the use of getComputedStyle(), obtaining current style settings for an element becomes challenging due to the need to parse all included CSS. While there are workarounds involving CPU-intensive code like creating a temporary div within the existing one and calculating clientTop and clientLeft positions based on background properties, they may not provide optimal results in every scenario.

Answer №2

If you need to access the background position of an element using CSS, you can use the background-position property. You can get this information by running the following code:

var bgPosition = $('#specificDiv').css('backgroundPosition');

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