I recently updated the navigation bar on our pending site by incorporating styled hyperlinks.
Initially, one of these hyperlinks directed to PayPal, but due to security concerns, I had to replace it with an encrypted button instead.
The challenge I'm facing is that the hover image-swap effect I have set up for the links doesn't work with the form image. I've experimented with various methods (such as changing from this.src to that.src or using hover based on shifting background position) to achieve the desired result, but the complexity of forms compared to simple hyperlinks has made it difficult.
Looking at my code below, can someone suggest a non-JavaScript solution to either move the 'pp3.gif' position or swap two other images to replicate the CSS hover image-swap effect I already have for the other list elements?
<li><a href="info.htm" target="iframe1">Information</a></li>
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="../buttons/pp3.gif" name="submit">
<input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="-----BEGIN PKCS7 ... END PKCS7-----">
<li><a href="delivery.htm" target="iframe1">Livraison</a></li>
Thankee! Dave