Files are nowhere to be found when setting up an angular project

After creating an Angular project, I noticed that some key files were missing in the initial setup, such as app.modules.ts and app-routing.modules.ts

The project was generated using the command ng new name

Here is a screenshot displaying all the files that were created:

Answer №1

Determine the current iteration of Angular that is in use. The latest release, known as version 18, automatically generates projects with standalone components. Consequently, there is no need for those additional files.

Answer №2

With Angular version 17, every component is now standalone by default, eliminating the need for ng-module decorators.

If you do find yourself needing an app.module.ts file, you can use the command

ng new <app-name> --standalone false
when creating a new application.

Answer №3

Starting from version 17, the CLI now defaults to standalone mode. When starting a new project, modules like

app.modules.ts and app-routing.modules.ts
are no longer included.

If you require these modules, you can utilize the following command to generate a project with app.module.ts and app-routing.module.ts:

ng new my-app --no-standalone

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