Issues with jQuery animate.css functionality specifically occurring on Firefox browser

As a beginner in jQuery, I have been exploring different animations and recently came across an issue with Firefox compatibility.

I discovered the animate.css library, and decided to incorporate its animations into text captions on a slider using the Soliloquy WordPress plugin.

The Soliloquy slider dynamically adds a class called


to the active slide. To apply the animation, I used jQuery to add the 'animated slideInLeft' class to the active slide:

jQuery('#caption-1').on('.soliloquy-id-8 .soliloquy-active-slide').addClass('animated slideInLeft');

Initially, the animation worked flawlessly when the first slide loaded. However, it stopped working upon returning to the first slide in Firefox, whereas it continued running smoothly in Chrome and Safari even after cycling through the slides again.

Interestingly, the animation functioned correctly in Firefox when the Firebug debugger was open.

While I haven't included much code here, I am willing to provide more if necessary. Any guidance on resolving this Firefox-specific issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

For multiple occurrences of the animation, it is important to remove the appropriate classes once the animation has finished:

    jQuery('#yourElement').on('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() {
        jQuery(this).removeClass('animated slideInLeft');

Afterward, you can reapply your preferred classes...

Answer №2

It appears that manipulating dynamically generated classes, such as the "active-slide" class created by the slider, is not straightforward.

To overcome this hurdle, I implemented a solution using an internal action hook which proved to be effective:

add_action( 'soliloquy_api_on_load', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\slide_in_left_onload' );
function slide_in_left_onload( $data ) {
  soliloquy_<?php echo $data['id']; ?>.find('.soliloquy-id-8 .soliloquy-caption #caption-1').addClass('animated slideInLeft').css('display','block');
  echo ob_get_clean();

add_action( 'soliloquy_api_after_transition', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\slide_in_left' );
function slide_in_left( $data ) {
  soliloquy_<?php echo $data['id']; ?>.find('.soliloquy-id-8 .soliloquy-caption #caption-1').addClass('animated slideInLeft').css('display','block');
  echo ob_get_clean();

add_action( 'soliloquy_api_before_transition', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\end_slide_animation' );
function end_slide_animation( $data ) {
  soliloquy_<?php echo $data['id']; ?>.find('.soliloquy-id-8 .soliloquy-caption #caption-1').removeClass('animated slideInLeft').css('display','none');
  echo ob_get_clean();

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