Fast method or tool for generating a detailed CSS element list from deeply nested elements

I have been using Chrome dev tools to work on a code base that was not created by me.

There are numerous deeply nested elements scattered throughout the code. I find myself having to manually search through the HTML structure in order to select them with CSS, and it's taking up a lot of time.

It would be so much easier if there was a tool that allowed me to simply select the top element and the specific deeply nested element I want, and then generate the hierarchy in a CSS formatted block for me to quickly start working on.

I am wondering if such a convenient tool exists or if there is something similar available within Chrome dev tools.

Appreciate any help. Thank you.

Answer №1

It seems the question is a bit unclear (so perhaps I shouldn't be attempting to answer it), but if you're looking for a quick way to obtain a CSS selector for deeply nested elements, Firebug may be your solution.

  1. Begin by inspecting the element
  2. Right-click in the style panel located on the right side of the HTML panel
  3. Choose 'Add Rule' option

This method effectively organizes the necessary specificity.

Additionally, as pointed out by @TaoistWA in the comments, "Copy CSS Path" serves as another viable alternative.

  1. Inspect the element first
  2. Right-click on the specific element within the HTML panel
  3. Select 'Copy CSS Path'

If desired, you can combine both methods within the style panel to conveniently preview your modifications in real-time.

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