Extending the length of the list items and their contents

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I'm struggling with expanding the submenu list items in IE7. It seems that when you hover over one of the LIs under Restaurants, the green does not fill the entire line. I attempted using {width: 100%}, but it did not solve the issue.

Any thoughts on why this works fine in Firefox but not in IE? And how can it be resolved?

Thank you.

UPDATE: I am able to achieve the desired look by specifying a width explicitly (such as 51px), but I don't want to do that for a layout that should accommodate dynamic content.

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered that the cause of my problem was that the dropMenuParent had an unnecessary background color set. Once I removed it, the issue of black appearing around the green (selected item color) was resolved. It turned out to be a simple mistake on my part.

Answer №2

If you haven't already, experiment with applying the hasLayout property specifically to the troublesome li's or ul. Attempt incorporating { zoom: 1; } to see if that makes a difference.

Answer №3

Please adjust the padding in the .nav A (includes/styles/styles.css) to remove padding-left and padding-right, or make it more specific. Alternatively, you can add padding: 0; to your ".nav .dropMenu a" selector.

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