change the width of a div element to match that of its nearest sibling element

Can the width of a div be automatically set to match its closest sibling when the width is set to width: auto;?

In my coding example on jsFiddle, you can observe three colored divs - red, green, and blue. I am aiming for the blue div to adjust its size based on the dynamically changing width of the green div. If the green div ends up being 200px wide, then I want the blue div to mirror that.

Initially, my strategy involved placing the blue div inside the green one and applying display: inline-block to the child, but unfortunately, this approach did not yield the desired result.

Essentially, I need a solution where an increase in content within the blue div does not impact the width of the green div (or the container div). How can I accomplish this task?

Answer №1

To dynamically adjust the width of a specific div using JavaScript, you can implement a function that tracks changes and updates accordingly. With jQuery, this task becomes quite straightforward:

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Function to synchronize the sizes of div elements
    function syncSize() {

    // Call the syncSize function whenever a change occurs in the designated div
    $(".banner_secondary_title").resize(function(e) {

    // Perform an initial size synchronization after setting up the document

I have also provided a modified version of your jsFiddle demonstration with the above code integrated. Additionally, I increased the content in the secondary title to demonstrate its functionality effectively.

Answer №2

To keep the blue div from stretching its parent green div, place it inside the green div and apply a highly negative margin-right (like -999em).

Another option is to nest the blue div within the green div and give it a position: absolute. Then, set the green div's padding-bottom to match the height of the blue div. Note that this method only works if the height of the blue div remains constant.

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