Exploring the world of nested selectors in conjunction with Vue.js CSS modules

Can nested css selectors be used with Vue.js css modules?

For example, I am trying to scope this css (to avoid affecting child components):

.list {

    .item {

The documentation only provides examples without nesting, but is it still practical to use nested selectors? If I have to name them like .list-item then it's similar to BEM naming conventions. But if I follow BEM, is there a point in using css modules?

Answer №1

A great way to work with nested css selectors without affecting child components is by utilizing css modules.

To enable nesting, you can use a preprocessor such as LESS or SASS.

If you are working with Single File Components, your component structure might look something like this:

  <ul :class="$style.list">
    <li :class="$style.item"></li>

<!--       Or lang="less" -->
<style module lang="scss">
.list {

    .item {

Answer №2

Indeed, nesting CSS selectors can be achieved through the use of SCSS. Setting up SCSS is necessary for this.

For example, you can include your style tag within a Vue component like so:

<style scoped lang="scss">

The 'scoped' attribute ensures that the styles only apply to that specific component.

When it comes to BEM methodology, SCSS allows you to structure your code in a way such as:

.list {

   &-item {

This will translate to the following CSS:

.list {
.list-item {

Answer №3

To customize a CSS class from a UI library in Vue, like the n-dropdown component from Naive UI, and specifically modify the deeply nested

class within the current component using CSS modules, you can utilize the :global keyword. Here's how you can achieve this:

    <n-dropdown :class="$style.menu">

<style module>
.menu:global.n-dropdown-menu .n-dropdown-option .n-dropdown-option-body .n-dropdown-option-body__prefix.n-dropdown-option-body__prefix--show-icon {
    margin-left: 33px;
    margin-right: 19px;

This will result in a selector that looks like:

.MobileNavMenu_menu_NhSka.n-dropdown-menu .n-dropdown-option .n-dropdown-option-body .n-dropdown-option-body__prefix.n-dropdown-option-body__prefix--show-icon {
    margin-left: 33px;
    margin-right: 19px;

Any classes specified after the :global keyword will remain unaffected by module manipulations.
If the .n-dropdown-menu should be a child of the menu, ensure to add whitespace around the :global declaration: .menu :global .n-dropdown-menu
Failure to do so may lead to unexpected crashes in Vue.

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