The masonry reorganization is behaving strangely

I've recently started using masonry for the first time and you can check it out here:

Although I have managed to set it up, I am facing some issues with its positioning of boxes when dragging items in.

For example, instead of placing a medium-sized object on the top line followed by two small objects together on the next line, and another medium-sized object at the bottom, it seems to keep the order unchanged which defeats the purpose of using masonry.

You can see this behavior in action in this fiddle:

To understand better, adjust the bar between the result and javascript section to see the issue more clearly.

Here is an example of the code:


<main id="main" class="js-masonry" data-masonry-options='{ "columnWidth": 320, "itemSelector": ".module","isFitWidth": true }'>
    <!-- INTRO MODULE -->
    <div class="module med-width med-height">

    <div class="module sml-width sml-height">


    <div class="module med-width sml-height">


    <div class="module sml-width sml-height">



and here is some css

* {
    font-family: Arial;

    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: 0 auto;

.sml-width {
    width: 320px;
.med-width {
    width: 640px;
.sml-height {
    height: 320px;
.med-height {
    height: 640px;

Can anyone guide me if I'm overlooking a specific setting that may help resolve this issue?

Answer №1

During our conversation, the writer informed me about a different product he offers

I have found that this product works effectively. It seamlessly fills in gaps that were left untouched by traditional masonry techniques.



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