Exploring the Terrain: Troubleshooting Meteor CSS with Twitter Bootstrap

Recently, I have encountered an issue that perplexes me - I am unable to debug less code in my meteor app when the twbs:boostrap package is present. Interestingly, everything works fine when I remove it, but as soon as I add it back, the CSS seems to be concatenated like in production mode, making it inaccessible for debugging in the browser. I've attempted running in debug mode using meteor debug, and even switched to other BS3 packages, but the problem persists. Despite the .less files building correctly, the debugging capability remains a challenge.

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Warm regards, db

Answer №1

The issue arises from the presence of the .map files within the twbs:bootstrap package. To resolve this, I opted to uninstall the official package, obtain the bootstrap files separately, and manually integrate them into the client directory while omitting the .map files. Subsequently, I am now able to effectively debug the code.

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