Enhancing collapsible list headers in jquery mobile with checkboxes

Having trouble with a jQuery Mobile website issue. Currently working on a jQuery mobile site that includes a collapsible list ().

The client request is to have a checkbox inside the header, allowing users to check items off without needing to open them. Tried inserting it but encountered issues - the checkbox shows up but isn't clickable. Extensive Google search yielded no solution. Hoping someone here can assist. Please help!

Answer №1

When working on this, ensure that each checkbox has a unique ID if there are multiple checkboxes present. Also, remember to label the checkboxes accordingly.

<div id="collapsibleSetWrapper" data-role="collapsible-set">
    <div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true">
           <span>Title Here</span>
           <input class="mycheckbox" type="checkbox" id="uniqueID"/>
           <label for="uniqueID">&nbsp;</label>
        <div id="mycontent">
              <p>Content goes here.</p>

$('#collapsibleSetWrapper .mycheckbox').checkboxradio({
    create: function(event,ui){
        var checkbox = $(event.target);
        var clickTarget = $(event.target).parent();
                // Perform actions on nested checkboxes when selected
                // Perform actions on nested checkboxes when deselected
            return false;

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