Exploring the ins and outs of utilizing pseudo selectors with material-ui

I've been attempting to accomplish a simple task. I wanted to toggle the visibility of my <TreeMenu/> component in material UI v1 using pseudo selectors, but for some reason it's not working. Here is the code: CSS:

      root: {
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        '&:hover': {
          backgroundColor: '#99f',

  hoverEle: {
    visibility: 'hidden',
    '&:hover': {
      visibility: 'inherit',
      rootListItem: {
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        display: 'none',
        '&:hover': {
          display: 'block',
          backgroundColor: '#99f',
      '@global': {
        'li > div.nth-of-type(1)': {
          display: 'block !important',
          backgroundColor: "'yellow',",

The root css class works fine on the list, but rootListItem and even the @global li selector do not work. I'm unsure of what I'm doing wrong with these selectors. I've read the material-ui docs which state that V1 supports pseudo selectors.


      {props.treeNode.map(node => (
          className={(classes.nested, classes.root)}
          onClick={() => props.onNodeClick(node.Type, node.NodeID, node.NodeName)}
          title={props.adminUser ? node.NodeID : ''}
          onMouseOver={() => props.onMouseOver(node.Type, node.NodeID)}
          <ListItemText primary={node.NodeName} />
          <ListItemSecondaryAction classes={{ root: classes.rootListItem }}>
            <TreeMenu />
          <div className={classes.hoverEle}>
            <TreeMenu />

Please pay attention to the <TreeMenu > component. I've tried 3 different methods: 1) Using hoverEle class with '&:hover' selector. 2) Attempting to override the default root class of <ListItemSecondaryAction> with my class rootListItem. 3) Utilizing other pseudo selectors on li. See 'li > div.nth-of-type(1)':

Answer №1

It took some time to troubleshoot your code and identify the issue.

Although the selector for rootListItem is functioning properly, the problem lies in using the :hover pseudo-selector on an element with display: none. To work around this, consider using opacity: 0 and opacity: 1 instead. This will hide ListItemSecondaryAction while allowing for hover effects. Elements with display: none cannot be hovered over as they technically do not display.

In regards to the global pseudo-selector, there was a mistake in its implementation. You should use a dot instead of a colon after div and change backgroundColor to 'yellow' without the extra quotes.

'li > div:nth-of-type(1)': {
        display: 'block !important',
        backgroundColor: 'yellow',

I wasn't sure about the structure of your TreeMenu component, so I simulated it with a list containing ul / li / div nodes.

const styles = {
root: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    '&:hover': {
        backgroundColor: '#99f',
hoverEle: {
    visibility: 'hidden',
    '&:hover': {
        visibility: 'inherit',
rootListItem: {
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    opacity: 0,
    '&:hover': {
        opacity: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#99f',
'@global': {
    'li > div:nth-of-type(1)': {
        display: 'block !important',
        backgroundColor: "yellow",


    {treeNode.map(node => (
            onClick={() => {}}
            onMouseOver={() => {}}
            <ListItemText primary={node.NodeName} />
            <ListItemSecondaryAction classes={{ root: classes.rootListItem }}>
                <ul><li><div>Elem 1</div></li><li><div>Elem 2</div></li></ul>
            <div className={classes.hoverEle}>
                <ul><li><div>Elem 1</div></li><li><div>Elem 2</div></li></ul>

*I am utilizing treeNode as an array and have excluded additional functions and TreeMenu related details.

Answer №2

While collaborating with Jorge Santos Neil, it is important to note that props are not always required. Here is an example that has been tested for a different scenario. It should be noted that this code snippet must be included in the "makeStyles" function and then used as a className. Simply placing it inside "styles={{}}" will not yield the desired result.

For instance:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  paragraphWithWarningDiv: {
    margin: "32px 0px 24px",
    "& :nth-child(1)": {
      marginBottom: "100px"

Answer №3

The method that proved effective for me is as follows

export const applyStyles = makeStyles(theme=>({
            position: "relative!important",
            background: "linear-gradient(150deg,#7795f8 15%,#6772e5 70%,#555abf 94%)",
            margin: -50,
            padding: -50,
            height: 500,

        span: props => ({
            background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)",
            borderRadius: "50%",
            position: "absolute",
            "&:nth-child(1)": {
                left: "-4%",
                bottom: "auto",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)"
                right: "4%",
                top: "10%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)"
                top: 280,
                right: "5.66666%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)"
                top: 320,
                right: "7%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)"
                top: "38%",
                left: "1%",
                right: "auto",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)"
            "&:nth-child(6)": {
                width: 200,
                height: 200,
                top: "44%",
                left: "10%",
                right: "auto",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .15)"
            "&:nth-child(7)": {
                bottom: "50%",
                right: "36%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .04)"
            "&:nth-child(8)": {
                bottom: 70,
                right: "2%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .2)"
            "&:nth-child(9)": {
                bottom: "1%",
                right: "2%",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)"
            "&:nth-child(10)": {
                bottom: "1%",
                left: "1%",
                right: "auto",
                background: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)"


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