Experiencing difficulties positioning svg text path in the center using CSS on desktop devices

I've looked into other SVG text questions, but I'm struggling to understand my mistake. Currently, I'm working on a live site at and implementing the following code:

<svg class="svg-width desktop" style="margin:auto">
    <path id="curve-individual-desktop" d="M 50 170 q 185 -70 400 0" />
        <textPath xlink:href="#curve-individual-desktop" class="color-text" startOffset="50%" text-anchor="middle">
        Thoughtfully Sourced

Although I managed to center it on mobile devices, there seems to be an issue between screen sizes of 1000px and 1350px where it appears skewed and off-center. I'm currently stumped on how to resolve this situation.

Answer №1

For the desired output, make sure to set the viewBox attribute and apply some CSS styles. Experiment with different values to achieve the result you want:

svg {
  display: block;
  width: 70%;
  margin: 0 auto;
<svg class="svg-width desktop" viewBox="50 100 400 70">
  <path id="curve-individual-desktop" d="M 50 170 q 185 -70 400 0" />
    <textPath xlink:href="#curve-individual-desktop" class="color-text" startOffset="50%" text-anchor="middle">
    Thoughtfully Sourced

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