Getting rid of the scrollbar in Internet Explorer

Instead of just removing the scrollbar, I want to ensure that scrolling capabilities remain intact. This is important because I want to create a 'slide show' effect on the website where users can click 'next' and scroll through content easily.

I have successfully hidden the scrollbar in other browsers using CSS for webkit and Firefox. However, I am struggling to find a solution to hide it in IE as well.

Some suggestions I found online involve changing the color properties of the scrollbar, but setting it to transparent did not make it disappear completely.

Is there a simple way to hide the scrollbar in IE, similar to using 'display:none'? I am open to exploring CSS and JavaScript options to achieve this.

Here is a jsFiddle link to demonstrate the issue

Please note: Adding 'overflow:hidden' prevents the page from exceeding the boundaries of the container when clicking on certain elements.

Answer №1

Check out this fiddle using your current code

Give this neat trick a try!

body, div, html{

This code offsets a scrollable div so its vertical scrollbar is located outside the visible area.

Answer №2

I'm facing a similar issue where I don't want scroll bars on the main page, but I still need to have content within divs and spans.

After some searching, I discovered a solution that looks like this:

body {
    -ms-overflow-style: none;
div, span {
    -ms-overflow-style: auto;

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