Experience the ultimate Safari/iOS responsive design for seamless browsing on all

I am experiencing an issue with my website.

In my "toggle device" toolbar, I selected the responsive option for iPhone 7 Plus, Galaxy 8, and others. While my website looks good on some devices, it does not function as desired when opened on an iPhone (7+/6S+). I am unsure why this discrepancy exists. Interestingly, the website appears fine on a Galaxy S8.

Could this be a Safari-related problem?

The code I utilized:

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) 
::i-block-chrome, Class Name {your styles}

@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { @media {

    .safari_only { 



If anyone has any solutions or suggestions, please let me know!

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Answer №1

Due to restrictions, I am unable to leave a comment at this time, so let's communicate through this response instead. Firstly, I will require access to your HTML code in order to assist you effectively. Please bear in mind that Stack Overflow is not a platform where we write code for individuals. It would be helpful if you could provide screenshots showcasing the issue you are facing.

Your mention of "responsive" has left me slightly puzzled. Are you developing the website with a tool like Adobe Muse? If that is the case, it may be more beneficial to seek advice on their respective forums. Kindly update your query with relevant visuals and share the accompanying HTML snippet for my review.

Once I grasp the nature of your inquiry and determine the appropriate solution, I will erase the present content within this answer and furnish you with the correct response.

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