Experience choppy scrolling in Internet Explorer

Check out my click and drag scrolling Image Viewer here.

While it functions perfectly in Firefox and Chrome, Internet Explorer is giving me some trouble. The movement seems jerky, especially when scrolling diagonally. It's like the scroll is sluggish and each movement is visible separately.

This is how I'm handling the scroll for the DIV (viewPort is a jQuery object).

viewPort[0].scrollTop = newy;
viewPort[0].scrollLeft = newx;

Any suggestions on how to achieve smooth scrolling in IE9 and IE10?

Edit: For reference, I am using IE10 on Windows 7. However, I have witnessed smooth scrolling on IE10 running on Windows 8.

Answer №1

When working with mousemove/touchmove, it's a good idea to implement UI changes within a requestAnimationFrame callback. Check out this jsfiddle

While I can't guarantee that this will solve all your issues, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

Another effective solution involves using transforms. By applying position:absolute styles to the image and setting the container to have overflow:hidden and position:relative, you can use translate(Xpx,Ypx) for the image's positioning rather than adjusting the container's scrollLeft/scrollTop.

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