Expandable sidebar using responsive Twitter Bootstrap

I am in search of a CSS solution to implement a button that can toggle a sidebar on and off using twitter bootstrap.

Is there a specific term for those small icons seen on webpages that resemble pull tabs when the sidebar is closed and then move along with the sidebar once it's pulled out?

I have created a toggleSidebar icon link to achieve this, but I encounter two issues:

  1. I am unable to make it align with the sidebar using float: left or display: inline-block
  2. When fixed, it forms its own column... instead, I want it to overlay on top of the main content.

The html:

<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <div id="sidebar" class="span3 scrollDiv" style="display: none;">
      <!--Sidebar content-->
    <div id="content" class="span12">
      <!--Main content-->
    <a id="toggleSidebar" href="#" class="toggles"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></a>

The css:

#toggleSidebar {
  /* float: left; */
  /* display:inline-block; */
  padding:2px 4px;

The javascript:

function sidebar(panels) {
  if (panels === 1) {
    $('#content').addClass('span12 no-sidebar');
  } else if (panels === 2) {
    $('#content').removeClass('span12 no-sidebar');

$('#toggleSidebar').click(function() {
  if ($.asm.panels === 1) {
    $('#toggleSidebar i').addClass('icon-chevron-left');
    $('#toggleSidebar i').removeClass('icon-chevron-right');
    return sidebar(2);
  } else {
    $('#toggleSidebar i').removeClass('icon-chevron-left');
    $('#toggleSidebar i').addClass('icon-chevron-right');
    return sidebar(1);

A demonstration of this can be viewed here: http://jsfiddle.net/amorris/dmyTR/

Despite extensive searching online, I could not find an example - however, I have provided a rough sketch of what I am aiming for:

It bears some resemblance to the effect showcased at - where they seem to use display: block; clear: both; and then position the pull tab absolutely within the div with a negative right position.

Answer №1

This appears to be the solution you are looking for, view it here.

The relevant code is as follows:

#content {

#mapCanvas img {
    max-width: none;

    margin-top: 42px;

#toggleSidebar {
    padding:2px 4px;


Please verify if this aligns with your requirements!

Answer №2

Is this the solution you were looking for?


Instead of using .hide() and .show(), I implemented an animation to change its position.

// hiding the sidebar
    left: -180,

// showing the sidebar
    left: 20,

I made some adjustments by removing #sidebar from .container-fluid as it is not part of that container. Additionally, I placed #toggleSidebar inside #sidebar for better organization.

Answer №3

Check out this dynamic side drawer design that I created with minimal bootstrap adjustments:

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    /* Move the container to the side when a specific class is added */
        transition:left .4s;
    /* Slide out when navbar is activated */
    .side-collapse {
        top:50px; /* Maintain space below fixed header */
        transition:width .4s; /* Animate the element's width */
    /* Slide in when navbar is hidden */
    .side-collapse.in {

By using the styles of .side-collapse, we can create a fixed navbar positioned at the edge of the screen.

Simply add .side-collapse-container to the content container after the header to allow for easy shifting on opening.

A script attaches a click event to the [data-toggle=] selector.

$(document).ready(function() {   
    var sideslider = $('[data-toggle=collapse-side]');
    var sel = sideslider.attr('data-target');
    var sel2 = sideslider.attr('data-target-2');

For the HTML or jade source code, visit the github page:

HTML source https://github.com/ZombieHippie/Side-drawer/tree/gh-pages

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