Expand the background of the selected option in a dynamic way

Issue at hand: The current problem lies in the fact that the selected option's background does not expand to fit the width of the option text, resulting in a situation where if the background is white, the remaining text is not visible. How can this be rectified? I am currently using Chrome, but I would like this solution to also apply to Firefox and IE.

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<select multiple="" class="h-scrollable form-control">
                <option ng-repeat="elem in list">

This is the CSS associated with it:

    width: 350px; 
    height: 150px !important;
    overflow: auto;
    font-size: medium;
    height: 150px !important;
    overflow: auto;
    font-size: medium;
    background-size: 100%;
    background: pink;
.h-scrollable option
    /*width: 350px; */
.h-scrollable option:checked
    /*width: 400px; THIS FIXES THE PROBLEM FOR A TEXT OF WIDTH = 350px; I want a general solution  that will work for any length of  text*/

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, place the select element inside a div. Remove any width settings on the select and option elements, then add a width and overflow: auto to the containing div. For a visual example, see this JSFiddle demo.

<div style="width: 240px; overflow: auto;">
    <select multiple="" class="h-scrollable form-control">
    <option>one option</option>
    <option>another option</option>
    <option>last option is really very long one</option>

You may need to make some adjustments for your specific preferences, but this should provide the basis for what you are trying to achieve.

** Update: I have removed the margin-right property to prevent a scrollbar from appearing if the content is not wider than 240px. Additionally, a min-width has been added to the .h-scrollable class. Does this meet your requirements?

Answer №2

To implement text truncation without the need for a scrollbar, utilize CSS and the text-overflow property.

Although ultimately at the discretion of the designer, it is advisable to reconsider the decision of requiring users to scroll within a select field.

For an example, refer to this updated version of your code sample: http://jsfiddle.net/7dkhgLrv/6/

Additionally, ensure to include overflow:auto; in the .h-scrollable class for optimal display.

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