Do not execute the script if the window's width is below a certain threshold

I have a unique website layout that adjusts to different screen sizes, and I've incorporated some jQuery functionality. Here is a snippet of the code:


In the code above, all the div elements like #D1000C36LPB3_details have their initial CSS property set to display: none, making them invisible until clicked on by the corresponding div element like #D1000C36LPB3, which then displays the content.

Now, I want to modify the script to change the display property to fixed when the viewport/window width is less than 400px.

My solution

I've identified a solution to set the display property to fixed:

$("#corresponding_ID").css("display", "fixed");

However, I need to prevent the initial jQuery script from running (the one with .show()).

Answer №1

It is not advisable to set css styles directly in this manner. As mentioned before, it is better to use a class such as .visible and let css media queries determine the display. For example:

@media screen and (max-width: 399px) {
  .visible {
    display: fixed;
@media screen and (min-width: 400px) {
  .visible {
    display: block;

Then, in your click handler, you can do the following:


Furthermore, if all your details containers follow a similar naming convention by appending _details to the id, it might be more convenient to store all ids in an array and iterate over them like this:

  var ids = [ "#D1000C36LPB3", "#D1200C36LPB3", "#D1-3CA36LPB3", "#D1-0CA36LPB3", "#D700S36LPB3", "#D700S24LMB3"];
  for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
    $(ids[i]).on('click', function () { $(ids[i]+'_details').addClass('visible'); });

Answer №2

Quick and efficient method for browser width detection using jQuery:

var screenWidth = $(window).width(); 
if (screenWidth >= 1024) { 
  -- Insert code to be executed here --
 -- Insert alternative code to be executed here --

You can easily adjust the width value and modify the comparison to suit your specific requirements.

Feel free to reach out if you need further clarification.

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