Excessive width of Bootstrap container

Encountering a rather simple issue: the bootstrap container inside my navbar is too wide, causing an unwanted horizontal scrollbar as it expands the body.

You can view the problematic page here. The theme used for this site can be found here.

What's puzzling me is that the CSS for both elements appears to be identical and the computed values returned by Chrome dev tools are also the same. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help identify the root of this issue.

Answer №1

The solution was discovered: The absence of a .container wrapping the .row caused the issue to occur

Answer №2

The current accepted answer appears to be accurate (search for elements with the class .row that are not wrapped in a .container).

Manually searching for these instances can be time-consuming, so here is a quick and simple jQuery script that can be run in the console:

$.each($('.row'), function (key, value) {
    if (!($(this).parent().hasClass('container') || $(this).parent().hasClass('container-fluid'))) {
        console.log('Check .row ' + key);
        console.log( $(this) );

This script will display the IDs of any problematic .row elements along with a preview.

[Log] Check .row 14
[Log] w [<div class="row">] (1)
[Log] Check .row 16
[Log] w [<div class="row">] (1)

You can easily identify the issue by expanding the node in the console.

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