Update the positioning of the element to center instead of the default top left origin using jQuery

I am facing an issue with positioning a marker inside a triangle, which is represented by a simple div, as shown in the image below:


The marker needs to be placed exactly at the centroid of the triangle. However, it seems slightly off-center towards the right and possibly bottom.

My attempt to resolve this involves using the jquery ui .draggable method. Below is the CSS styling for the marker:

#marker {
  position: absolute;
  background: #808080;
  border-radius: 50%;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  cursor: grab;

Here is the corresponding jQuery script:

$(document).ready(function () {
  var triangle = $("#triangle");
  var marker = $("#marker");
  var coord = getTriangleCoordinates(triangle);
  var center = centroid(coord);

    function () {
      $(this).css("filter", "brightness(0.8)");
    function () {
      $(this).css("filter", "brightness(1)");

  $("#marker").mouseup(function () {
    $(this).css("background", "salmon");

    drag: function (event, ui) {
      var offset = ui.offset;
      if (!bounded(offset, coord)) return false;

  marker.css("left", Math.round(center.left) - 5 + "px");
  marker.css("top", Math.round(center.top) - 5 + "px");


Is there a way to ensure that the marker's default center position aligns perfectly with the centroid while still maintaining its draggable functionality?

I experimented with using the transform: translate(-50%, 0) CSS property to adjust the position, but it caused issues with dragging. Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Your marker element is sized at 50px by 50px.

If your centroid function accurately calculates the centroid, you are currently placing the top left corner of the marker just 5px away from the centroid.

To ensure the central point aligns with the centroid, adjust the positioning as follows:

  marker.css("left", Math.round(center.left) - 25 + "px");
  marker.css("top", Math.round(center.top) - 25 + "px");

For a more versatile approach that accounts for potential changes in marker dimensions based on viewport size or other factors, set the top left to the centroid and then apply transform: translate(-50%, 50%). This will offset the marker to the left and upward by half its width and height, regardless of their values.

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